John & Narelle Canaan

Narelle and I teach a 12-Step addiction & co-dependence class for Renaissance Ranch based on materials from the Healing Through Christ organization. The segments below are supplimental thoughts and materials occassionaly included at our meetings.

00. ➡ Addiction Recovery - Resources & Materials


Blue Book (Co-Dependence) - This is the one we use at classes

Brown Book (Sex Addiction) - Also and amazing book

Brown Book (Sex Addiction) - Audio

Renaissance Ranch

01. ➡ 12 Steps - It all starts with this one desire… for God to change us.

02. ➡ Healing Through Christ - 12 Steps

Step 1: I Can’t - Come to understand and accept that we are powerless over the addiction of a loved one and recognize that our lives have become unmanageable

Step 2: He Can - Come to believe that the power of God can restore us to spiritual and emotional health.

Step 3: Come Unto Him - Decide to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God the Eternal Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Step 4: Moral Inventory - Make a searching and fearless written moral inventory of ourselves.