Note: This Breakthrough is part of two other breakthroughs (”Acceptance / Commitment” & 10 Step”) but is offered here as a stand alone, to use as inspired.
The distance between the good things you want, and what you’re willing to do about it is the source of so much human suffering. - Tod Harvey
Getting a clearer picture in your mind of what you see for your life and what you’re willing to do to create it can dissolve emotional blocks, frustration and depression.
The Breakthrough is simple:
🌞 Ask yourself, what do you see for your life?
🌞 Ask yourself, in connection with your vision, what are you willing to do?
When you are willing to see something in advance (including the actions that lead to it) you’re healing one of your soul’s greatest source of pain- the distance between what you can contribute in this world and what you’re actually contributing.
Filling these gaps, in your soul starts with vision and ripens in action. But even just the vision can immediately begin melting limiting beliefs, blocks or discouragement.
Without scratching for it, or insisting on it, or trying to will it into existence, simply create a space for your vision(s) through pure presence.