Inspired by Barry Spulchuck

"Face to Face" is the most advanced sharing of these 3 modes. Please read the instructions first. These go much better "by the book." **

“Are you ready for the first question?” (Image by Ben White)

Warning!  Face to Face is an advanced share, compared to Write & Share- best used if you're emotional bank account is high with each other, or during the 6 Week Online Course, or personal coaching. Best used at Private Retreats or anytime when you can be completely alone, phones turned off, doors locked etc.

You can also use Face to Face questions for Nightly Check In or  as Write and Share topics, or even for an amped up Chit-Chat experience on trips or standing in a long line together.

You could keep a record of some of your fun "Face to Face" conversation themes in a journal- something like this -> Click here).

🗺 Instructions and Guidelines

Share-Starters are below these instructions

*1) These are best done face to face, knee to knee (or at least close to it)…*UNLESS your emotional bank account is so high with each other than you can navigate through these kinds of tender and deep waters on a walk or on a longer drive.

2) There are several ways to do any of these… A suggestion is given for each one, but pick whatever seems best for you.

*3) Avoid conversation. Just share whatever comes to you, but without conversation around it. (Note that in “Face to Face” you avoid conversation, whereas “Write & Share” is all about conversation.*😉 )

4) *There are no right or wrong answers. Just say whatever comes to your mind (bearing in mind the guidelines below).

5) Most important instruction!*  Make your answers about YOU, not about your partner.  This is a "get to KNOW each other" exercise, not a get to judge you exercise.