For Mastery and Coaching participants only. Thank you.
Drilling down to discover how you created and/or contributed to something isn’t about blaming yourself, or seeing things as your fault. It isn’t about blame or fault. It’s about freedom.
In looking for your part of an issue or problem, you will come out from your prison of blame and victim story and feel your heart open. Remember that Christ has already paid for whatever you find in your search for yourself as the cause. If you can honestly see something negative you’ve done, and are willing to turn from it, through Christ, it’s as if you never did it.
The Savior’s infinite sacrifice for each of us fully enables us to drill as deep as we can for our creations and contributions. We are encouraged to look because the price of our mistakes we will find as already been paid. And the more we can identify ourself as the cause (however that might be true), the more we will feel free from blame and therefore, the deeper our love will flow toward those we’ve been experiencing issues or enmity with.
Note that If the work below is about a former spouse, say it like it’s now. You left your soul back there, encased in a cocoon of blame and story. It’s time to break yourself out and bring yourself home. Consider the freedom this publican found- not by deflecting fault to his wife (or in this case, the Pharisee) but rather, digging deep into his own heart and giving himself fully to God’s searching eye.
*“Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. ***I tell you, this man went down to his house justified (or happy and peaceful).” - Luke 18:9 (Parenthesis added).
1) Set a timer for 10 to 30 minutes (depending on how deep you want to drill)
2) Start with a prayer, that He will open your eyes and increase your willingness to see i.e. “Dear God, please open my eyes, that I might be free from blame by looking more fully at my own creations and contributions. I absolutely trust that through your son Jesus, the price has already been paid for what I might find, so I’m willing to look. Thank you.” etc. anything along that line.
Note that somethings tend to remain hidden to our human perceptions and can usually only be revealed by God to the eyes of your understanding.
3) Complete any or all of these sentence starters and/or pick from the list below.
With the person you’ve been tending to blame in mind, write (or read out loud to this person’s spirit {so to speak} or to a proxy) your answers to the sentence starters and/or any of the statements below that resonate at even the most subtle level.
If you’re saying these out loud to a proxy, first invite your proxy to be the person you’re addressing (in his or her heart).
If you’re doing this live, with the actual subject (i.e. your spouse), if he or she is willing, you could have him or her point with a pen to things he or she would like you to include. You can include them or not (Your choice).
Use these 4 starters and/or the list below (however you feel to do this) a) How I created this was that __________.
b) How I’m still creating is _________.
c) What I’ve contributed to this is ________.
d) What I’m still contributing to this is _______.