T. …stands for “Tell me more about _____” (whatever you’d like to hear more about) - You could reference something specific your spouse said (i.e. “Tell me more about what that was like” or perhaps just something you’re wondering about I.e. “Tell me how your meeting went” or “How are you feeling about your new project?”) Note that “T” is at the top and runs downward through “A”, “L”, “K”, & “S.”
A. … stands for “A.” - “Is there anything you’d give yourself an “A” in today and why?” and/or “What grade might you give yourself in any area and why?” or “ What was the best part of your day? - (the part that gets an "A” and why?)”
L. …stands for “Love” - “How did you give love today?” - including, how did you conquer a fear or bad feeling and replace it with love?
K. …stands for “Keep on keepin’ on” or in other words, what are you wanting and willing to recommit to today in terms of goals or habits? - or, is there anything you’d like to apoligize for? (Please only ask this question to yourself, not your spouse).
S. …stands for “Specific” i.e. “Do you have a specific request you’d like to make of yourself or of me? If it’s a request for me, please do your best to go right for the request vs. a lot of back-story or criticism.”
Much of the recording in Version B is taken from Amanda & Megan Teerlink’s “Evening Meditation” from “Mindful Living.” We wholeheartedly recommend purchasing “Mindful Loving”, including an amazing journal and some of our favorite meditations ever. Click here for information.
Pause recording, as inspired, to share.